Macroeconomics International Trust Centre

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Global Senior Secured Loans

Whether you have never touched a line of code or are a WordPress-Ninja, this theme is built for users of all skill levels…Unique Commingled Funds.

Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how an overall economy—the markets, businesses, consumers, and governments—behave.

Macroeconomics, a branch of economics dealing with performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. For example, using interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy’s growth and …

Chabahar Port Expansion Project, Gulf of Oman, Iran

Chabahar Port phase one expansion details. Phase one of Chabahar Port expansion involved the construction of two 640m-long container berths and three 540m-long multi-purpose berths. Dredging was carried out for approximately 15 million cubic metres and breakwater was extended by 1,650m during the first phase … See more

Chabahar Port is a seaport in Chabahar located in southeastern Iran, on the Gulf of Oman. It serves as Iran’s only oceanic port, and consists of two separate ports named Shahid Kalantari and Shahid Be…

The future of life investment, finance, insurance, banking, marketing…. liquid & solid assets.


Global Senior Secured Loans


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Global High Yield Bonds

Funding is the act of providing resources to finance a need,  program,  or  project.  While  this  is usually  in  the form of money,  it can  also take  the form of effort or time from an organization or company. Generally, this word is used when a firm uses its internal reserves to satisfy its necessity for cash, while the term financing is used when the firm acquires capital from external sources.

Sources of funding include credit, venture capital, donations, grants, savings, subsidies, and taxes. Fundings such as donations, subsidies, and grants that have no direct requirement for return of investment are described as “soft funding” or “crowdfunding”. Funds can be allocated for either short-term or long-term purposes.

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Deep integration for market-leading funders. And of course working out of the limitation with the solutions more…

Launch a business..

Entrepreneurs with a business concept would want to accumulate all the necessary resources including capital to venture into a market. Funding is part of the process, as some businesses would require large start-up sums that individuals would not have. These start-up funds are essential to kick-start a business idea, without it, entrepreneurs would not have the ability to carry out their concepts in the business world.

Uses on investment

Fund management companies gather pools of money from many investors and use them to purchase securities. These funds are managed by professional investment managers, which may generate higher returns with reduced risks by asset diversification. The size of these funds could be as little as a few millions or as much as multi billions. The purpose of these funding activities is mainly aiming to pursue individual or organization profits.

Research funding

Research funding is funding used for research-related purposes. It is most often used to describe funding in the fields of technology or social science. The allocation of funds are usually granted based on a per project, department, or institute basis stemming from scope of the research or project. Research funding can be split into commercial and non-commercial allocations. Research and development departments of a corporation normally provide commercial research funding. Whereas, non-commercial research funding is obtained from charities, research councils, or government agencies.Organizations that require such funding normally have to go through competitive selections. Only those that have the most potential would be chosen. Funding is vital in ensuring the sustainability of certain projects.

Securing loans

A company or an individual may secure a loan to get access to capital. Often borrowers must use a secured loan where assets are pledged as collateral. If the borrower defaults, ownership of the collateral reverts to the lender. Both tangible and intangible assets can be used to secure loans. The use of IP as collateral in IP-backed finance transactions is the subject of a report series at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Self-Organized Funding Allocation

Self-organized funding allocation (SOFA) is a method of distributing funding for scientific research. In this system, each researcher is allocated an equal amount of funding, and is required to anonymously allocate a fraction of their funds to the research of others. Proponents of SOFA argue that it would result in similar distribution of funding as the present grant system, but with less overhead. In 2016, a test pilot of SOFA began in the Netherlands.

Securing loans

A company or an individual may secure a loan to get access to capital. Often borrowers must use a secured loan where assets are pledged as collateral. If the borrower defaults, ownership of the collateral reverts to the lender. Both tangible and intangible assets can be used to secure loans. The use of IP as collateral in IP-backed finance transactions is the subject of a report series at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Government Grants

Government could allocate funds itself or through government agencies to projects that benefit the public through a selection process to students or researchers and even organizations. At least two external peer-reviewers and an internal research award committee review each application. The research awards committee would meet some time to discuss shortlisted applications. A further shortlist and ranking is made. Projects are funded and applicants are informed. Econometric evidence shows public grants for firms can create additionality in jobs, sales, value added, innovation and capital. For example, this was shown to be the case for large R&D grants, as well as smaller public grants for the tourism firms or small and medium sized firms in general.


Crowdfunding exists in mainly two types, reward-based crowdfunding and equity-based crowdfunding. In the former, small firms could pre-sell a product or service to start a business whereas in the latter, backers buy a certain amount of shares of a firm in exchange of money. As for reward-based crowdfunding, project creators would set a funding target and deadline. Anyone who is interested can pledge on the projects. Projects must reach its targeted amount in order for it to be carried out. Once the projects ended with enough funds, projects creators would have to make sure that they fulfill their promises by the intended timeline and delivery their products or services.

Raise from investors

To raise capital, you require funds from investors who are interested in the investments. You have to present those investors with high-return projects. By displaying high-level potentials of the projects, investors would be more attracted to put their money into those projects. After a certain amount of time, usually in a year’s time, rewards of the investment will be shared with investors. This makes investors happy and they may continue to invest further. If returns do not meet the intended level, this could reduce the willingness of investors to invest their money into the funds. Hence, the amounts of financial incentives are highly weighted determinants to ensure the funding remains at a desirable level.

An Investor and A Financier

An investor wants your business to grow. They believe in your business. More specifically, they believe in the future of your business. They are willing to invest now so that they can continue profiting in the future. They’re taking more of a long-term view. Typically, an investor owns a chunk of your business; they become a partner. An investor gets a piece of your future growth and is willing to accept the risk of losing their money if things don’t go the way you planned.

financier is like an equipment lessor, a lender or a bank borrowing you, is not an investment in your business. Even though a financier wants future business from you, they are aiming at making their return on investment based on this current deal (lease or loan). Your future earning potential is not as important to the credit decision-maker as much as the past performance of your business. They are wondering, “Can we count on you to make your payments even if this new piece of equipment doesn’t generate a single extra dollar?” The financier is basing their risk on your current state. They do not get a piece of your future growth – they only get what the contract says, regardless of how successful your business becomes.

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